ARS-58 M


2022 NEW
  1. Teknologi
  2. Spesifikasi produk

Teknologi NANO TEC mendistribusi partikel ukuran nano pada tempat kosong diantara lilitan serat karbon, tindakan ini meningkatkan ketegangan dari komposit karbon secara keseluruhan dan mengurangi distorsi frame.

Konstruksi lubang grommet untuk dilewati oleh hanya satu senar mengurangi gesekan antar senar yang secara otomatis mengurangi lbs yang hilang saat ditarik serta memperpanjang usia senar.

Terinspirasi oleh helikopter militer, struktur berlapis-lapis yang terbuat dari serat karbon dan komposit, meminimalkan ukuran material, memperkuat feel pada handling dan performa pada saat kritis.

A design breakthrough—ULTRA-THIN FRAME is 7% thinner than the frame of traditional rackets, helping improve the player’s swing speed while maintaining the stiffness and anti-torsion performance of the frame.

Designed by computer simulation and aided with the adoption of injection moulding technique, this revolutionized handle style allows the shaft to move more freely, which can not only make swings smoother but also improve overall handling experience.

The compound frame design can be divided into three major parts: The upper section is made with fan-shaped structure to lower wind resistance and accelerate each swing. The Compound-Sword structure in the middle section is designed to lighten the filler and enable fast rebound. Finally, the lower section is built in airfoil structure to lower wind resistance and keep excellent anti-torsion performance in a 'whipping' style which helps to create steeper and quicker attacks with satisfying control.

Materi Shaft

Graphite+NanoResin+6.8 SHAFT

Materi Frame



3U:≦28 lbs(12Kg)
4U:≦27 lbs(12Kg)

Berat/Ukuran Grip

3U / G5
4U / G5
