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Bagian luar kaki depan dirancang menggunakan kekuatan TPU tinggi.

Hal ini secara signifikan meningkatkan stabilitas lateral selama transfer intens dan perubahan arah gerakan yang cepat saat bermain bulu tangkis. 

Lembar serat karbon tiga dimensi yang memberikan stabilitas pada 'midsole' dan mengurangi ketegangan torsi pada lengkungan kaki.

Lapisan jaring pernapasan yang unik digunakan untuk meningkatkan ventilasi pada sepatu .hal Ini untuk memfasilitasi pembuangan panas. Hal ini membuat kaki lebih nyaman .

U-SHAPE LAST , dibuat lebih nyaman dan pas terhadap bentuk kaki "Egyptian-type-shoes" dimana jari jempol kaki lebih panjang dari jari lainya dan bagian depan kaki terlihat lebih bulat, dengan memperpendek ketinggian di pertengahan kaki dan lebar di pergelangan kaki juga.

Bahan karet outsole yang telah diupgrade , performance atas ketahanan terhadap slip meningkat 21% pada lantai PU yang kering .

Permukaan bagian dalam dari kaki yang terbuat dari bahan khusus yang super tahan lama sehingga jauh memperpanjang hidup/keawetan alas kaki. Dalam pengujian tingkat keausan, teknologi super tahan lama yang diterapkan terbukti 16 kali lebih tahan lama dari rata-rata kulit PU.

EVA Feather Resilient not only preserves excellent elasticity, but also improves the lightweightness by 20% compared to traditional midsole, helping relieve leg muscle strain and making swift movement easier and faster.

ENERGYMAX V meningkatkan penyerapan daya guncang / shock pada bagian tumit saat melangkah kedepan . lebih menguatkan kemampuan rebound daripada bagian tumit selama melakukan pertahanan yang cepat . penyerapan daya guncang / shock meningkat sebanyak 27% dan kekuatan pantulan meningkat sebanyak 30% .


220mm – 300mm


VSR Rubber


Feather Resilient EVA +ENERGYMAX V+TPU+Carbon Power+Solid EVA


Microfiber PU Leather+V-Tough PU+Double Mesh

Product Details

Feather Resilient EVA

EVA Feather Resilient not only preserves excellent elasticity, but also improves the lightweightness by 20% compared to traditional midsole, helping relieve leg muscle strain and making swift movement easier and faster.


Improves the shock absorption on the heels when striding forward. Strengthen the rebound ability of the heels during speedy defense. The shock absorbability is increased by 27%, and the bounce power is raised by 30%.


The new generation of highly elasticity material, with a 22% increase in rebound ability. The shock absorbency increase by 6%, which can dramatically enhance the instant resilience, shock absorption and cushioning effect to shocks. 


The inner surface of the toe is made of super wear-resistant special material which greatly prolongs the service life of the footwear. In a wear level testing, the super wear-resistant technology applied to the toe is proved 16 times more wear-resistant than average PU leather. 

Highly Support and Protect the Heel

With high-strength material to covers the heel, which makes the feet more stable and agile during exercise, and protect the heel from injury.


A special piece of high-strength TPU on the outside of front feet, significantly enhances the lateral stability during intense and rapid transfer of direction when playing badminton.

Full Covered Tongue

With breathable double mesh material, the tongue provides good coverage and flexibility for the feet, and prevent the feet from injuries.

Shoelace Fixer

The fixer connect shoelace and the tongue to reduce the from lateral movement.


A unique breathing mesh layer is used to increase ventilation. It facilitates the heat dissipation. This creates a more comfortable environment for the feet.

Full Covered Tongue

With breathable double mesh material, the tongue provides good coverage and flexibility for the feet, and prevent the feet from injuries.

Shoelace Fixer

The fixer connect shoelace and the tongue to reduce the from lateral movement.


A unique breathing mesh layer is used to increase ventilation. It facilitates the heat dissipation. This creates a more comfortable environment for the feet.