NEW 2021
  1. Teknologi
  2. Spesifikasi produk

serat karbon PYROFIL dan paduanya , merupakan bahan kinerja tinggi dari Jepang . karakteristik rantai yang kuat super ringan menawarkan raket yang sangat baik terhadap redaman getaran atas dampak dari pukulan pada raket . dan meningkatkan penanganan dalam setiap permainan .

Terinspirasi oleh helikopter militer, struktur berlapis-lapis yang terbuat dari serat karbon dan komposit, meminimalkan ukuran material, memperkuat feel pada handling dan performa pada saat kritis.

Introducing the TORAYCA®PREPREG material from Toray, a leading carbon fiber manufacturer from Japan, NANO FORTIFY TR not only upgrades the elasticity and impact resistance, but also enables excellent exercise performance, which further provides greater repulsion, easy-yet-smooth shot-making, and advanced racket-handling experience.

Bagian shaft ( batang racket ) merupakan kunci utama untuk transmisikan power , itulah mengapa VICTOR selalu berkomitmen untuk mengembangkan bagian shaft yang lebih baik . melalui kombinasi atas bahan yang sangat tangguh dan desain yang inovatif . VICTOR membuat bagian shaft yang terbaik yang pernah ada dengan system anti-torsi yang luar biasa beserta ketahananya .

Different frame structures—including POWER-BOX, DIAMOND, AERO, and AERDYNAMIC—are rearranged and integrated based on computer simulation to optimize the hitting, frame characteristics, and overall performance.

Introducing highly resilient and durable glass fiber into the multilayered design of the frame to provide better elasticity and comfort during hitting.

Designed by computer simulation and aided with the adoption of injection moulding technique, this revolutionized handle style allows the shaft to move more freely, which can not only make swings smoother but also improve overall handling experience.

Materi Shaft

High Resilience Modulus Graphite + PYROFIL + 6.5 SHAFT

Materi Frame

High Resilience Modulus Graphite + Nano Fortify TR + HARD CORED TECHNOLOGY


4U:≤ 31lbs(14Kg)

Berat/Ukuran Grip



Product Details

The shaft is printed with Tai’s signature.

The decal on the shaft is designed with Tai’s tattoo. The tattoo design is inspired by her father’s zodiac sign- snake and his handwritten words "相信自己" (BELIEVE IN YOURSELF).

The racket comes with the exclusively designed racket face-card.