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Konstruksi lubang grommet untuk dilewati oleh hanya satu senar mengurangi gesekan antar senar yang secara otomatis mengurangi lbs yang hilang saat ditarik serta memperpanjang usia senar.

Teknologi inovatif yang menggabungkan dua struktur rangka yang populer yaitu 'SWORD' dan 'AERODINAMIC' , AERO-SWORD sangat efisien untuk mengurangi hambatan udara dan memungkinkan membalikan pukulan serangan yang lebih cepat dan lebih baik.

Terinspirasi oleh helikopter militer, struktur berlapis-lapis yang terbuat dari serat karbon dan komposit, meminimalkan ukuran material, memperkuat feel pada handling dan performa pada saat kritis.

A design breakthrough—ULTRA-THIN FRAME is 7% thinner than the frame of traditional rackets, helping improve the player’s swing speed while maintaining the stiffness and anti-torsion performance of the frame.

Materi Shaft

High Resilient Modulus Graphite+ 6.8 SHAFT

Materi Frame

High Resilient Modulus Graphite+HARD CORED TECHNOLOGY


30 lbs(13.5Kg)
29 lbs(13Kg)

Berat/Ukuran Grip

3U / G5
4U / G5,G6


Product Details


Innovative technology combining the two popular frame structure SWORD and AERODYNAMIC, the AERO-SWORD can efficiently reduce air resistance and allowing a faster and grater hit-back.


A design breakthrough - ULTRA-THIN FRAME is 7% thinner than the frame of traditional rackets, helping improve the player’s swing speed while maintaining the stiffness and anti-torsion performance of the frame.


Inspired by the mechanism of the bow, ENERGY BOW technique helps the frame to preserve the energy created by each hit and thus enable an instant repulsion.


Inspired by military helicopter, multi-layered structure made by carbon fiber and composites, minimize material size, reinforce handling feel and performance at a critical standard.