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Disain bentuk 'box' secara efektif meningkatkan stabilitas dan anti-torsi, sehingga dapat ditarik dengan lbs lebih tinggi

Teknologi NANO TEC mendistribusi partikel ukuran nano pada tempat kosong diantara lilitan serat karbon, tindakan ini meningkatkan ketegangan dari komposit karbon secara keseluruhan dan mengurangi distorsi frame.

Terinspirasi oleh helikopter militer, struktur berlapis-lapis yang terbuat dari serat karbon dan komposit, meminimalkan ukuran material, memperkuat feel pada handling dan performa pada saat kritis.

Materi Shaft

High Resilient Modulus Graphite +Nano Resin + 6.4 SHAFT

Materi Frame

High Resilient Modulus Graphite +Nano Resin+HARD CORED TECHNOLOGY


≦30 lbs(13.5Kg)

Berat/Ukuran Grip

5U/G5, G6


Product Details

Power Box

The box-shaped design effectively increases the stability and anti-torque, can stand higher string tension. 

72-Hole Isometric Head

Concentrated sweet spot for speedy drive, powerful smash and straightly defense.

Hard Cored Technology

Inspired by the military helicopter, multi-layered structure made by carbon fiber and composites, minimize material size, reinforce handling feel and performance at a critical standard.

Nano Tech

The NANO TEC technology works by evenly distributing nano-sized particles in the vacant space between carbon fiber bundles, this highly increases the overall stiffness of the carbon composite fibers, and reduces the distortion of the frame.