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Bagian luar kaki depan dirancang menggunakan kekuatan TPU tinggi.

Hal ini secara signifikan meningkatkan stabilitas lateral selama transfer intens dan perubahan arah gerakan yang cepat saat bermain bulu tangkis. 

Lembar serat karbon tiga dimensi yang memberikan stabilitas pada 'midsole' dan mengurangi ketegangan torsi pada lengkungan kaki.

Lapisan jaring pernapasan yang unik digunakan untuk meningkatkan ventilasi pada sepatu .hal Ini untuk memfasilitasi pembuangan panas. Hal ini membuat kaki lebih nyaman .

Struktur baru ganjalan dual-lapis pada bagian 'mid-sole' menggabungkan antara ENERGYMAX3.0 pada bagian atasnya dan  Resilient EVA yang ringan pada bawahnya , sesuai dengan prinsip-prinsip olahraga yaitu dengan teori biomekanik sudut tangen 7° , untuk menyeimbangkan antara sudut lutut dengan sendi pergelangan kaki selama latihan , sehingga mencapai penyerapan energi dan keseimbangan secara bersamaan .

Bahan karet outsole yang telah diupgrade , performance atas ketahanan terhadap slip meningkat 21% pada lantai PU yang kering .

Permukaan bagian dalam dari kaki yang terbuat dari bahan khusus yang super tahan lama sehingga jauh memperpanjang hidup/keawetan alas kaki. Dalam pengujian tingkat keausan, teknologi super tahan lama yang diterapkan terbukti 16 kali lebih tahan lama dari rata-rata kulit PU.

EVA Feather Resilient not only preserves excellent elasticity, but also improves the lightweightness by 20% compared to traditional midsole, helping relieve leg muscle strain and making swift movement easier and faster.

Made with polyurethane granular material, E-TPU has excellent resilience and deformation recovery ability once foam molded, making it not easy to deform for long time wearing. E-TPU provides a comfortable, shock-absorbing, and elastic wearing experience, which is significantly better than traditional EVA material.

The functional mesh used for the upper has a unique jacquard design. It has low extensibility on four sides, provides softness and comfort, and keeps the upper resilient, durable, and breathable.


220mm – 310mm


VSR Rubber


Feather Resilient EVA+E-TPU+Carbon Power +TPU + Solid EVA


V-Tough+JACQUARD EM+PU Leather

Product Details

Made with three layers, the Jacquard EM is softer and more durable than traditional knitted/mesh materials. The upper layer is soft and low stretchable MONO mesh that's designed with unique patterns; the bottom layer is soft, light, and breathable mesh.

To make the upper even stronger, part of the toe is made of wear-durable KPU and the upper is made with large TPU. Unlike the traditional heavy support structure, the new design makes the shoes lighter, more durable, and provides excellent stability and support to the upper during intense movements.

The sole of A930 is also exquisitely designed with cutting-edge technology. Underneath the insole is a piece of 2mm ENERGYMAX 3.0 strobel that covers the entire foot midsole. The NEO DUPLEX midsole is also integrated with the innovative E-TPU to enable great shock-absorption, softness, elasticity, and compression.

Featuring the innovative Jacquard EM, A930 is an All-Around footwear that offers great comfort, durability, as well as unique style. It's definitely a great choice for players who are looking for a pair of professional badminton shoes that are both fashionable and functional.